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You cannot ignore that this is the age of hashtag, selfies, social media and smartphones. Therefore, even while you are planning for your business, you cannot overlook the importance of social media.

The importance of social media can be measured with the following statistics, that there are 1.28 billion active users on Facebook, with 540 million on Google+, 255 million on Twitter, and 200 million on Instagram.

Social Media marketing Channels

It is known to all that one cannot use the popular paid marketing channels for vape products due to the use of nicotine products. It is true that you cannot use Google ads, Facebook ads, etc. for promoting your vape shop. However, still, you can use social media as one of the strong vape marketing solutions.

According to some social media strategy experts, a single like can lead to more than 200 plus views on social media. IT is also true that those local businesses have a social media presence used to have 69% more visit.

So, how what are some of the important issues related to social media? The current post is all about those issues.

What are the social media channels to select?

When it comes to vape SMO, it is natural to be confused among too many social media. Therefore, you need to understand what are the networks that your customers are using frequently? To implement a successful social media strategy for the vape industry, you must understand the demographic trend of social media. Some of the common social media are as follows:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Snapchat
  • Twitter
  • Tumblr
  • YouTube
  • Pinterest

Therefore, it is your choice to choose the one which you want to use for social media marketing.

Different content for different channels

All the social media channels are a great medium to reach many audiences. However, the truth is that being a Social Media Strategy Experts, you need to identify the channel for the type of content you want to post.

Facebook and Twitter are two of such networks which allows all types of content. Therefore, no matter what type of content you are posting, you can use these two channels.

Social media marketing - social media experts

However, if you are focused on image-based contents, then you can focus on the channels like Tumblr, Pinterest or Instagram. These are predominantly image-based social sharing platform.

However, when it comes to video, you can count on YouTube blindfolded. Additionally, you can use mediums like vine or Vimeo for it too.

Publishing Content on a regular Basis

If you scroll your social account, you will find that most of the popular pages used to share their contents in a frequent manner. It is the primary reason for which readers used to visit the pages. So, the key is frequent postings.

No matter which channel you are choosing, you must remain frequent in your postings. However, often it has been seen that maintaining a frequent posting is a matter of concern. Therefore, to make a constant follow up, you can use a content calendar.

You can start your week with new product launches. The mid-time of the week with the experiences of the customers on the products. However, you can end the week with an announcement of a discount on different products.

Therefore, you can see that you have multiple options to shuffle your content as well as posting them on a regular basis.

Posting time matters

When it comes to posting, it is not about the quality of the posting but the time of posting also matters. The social media platform is huge and every day a bulk number of posts are being done. So, posting at the wrong time can be a problem for you as it will not get the traffic.

A study shows that posting on Thursday and Friday generally has 18% more engagement than of other days. Additionally, if you are posting in the morning between 8 am to 10 am, it will hardly get traffic. It is simple as this is the time when most of the people used to go to the office or on the road. Therefore, they will not be able to see it.

Social Media Content Calendar

Another statistic shows that posting at night generally gets fewer visits but more engagement. On the contrary, postings on daytime used to have more visits and fewer engagements. So, it depends on the posting and what you are expecting from the post, such as engagement or visits will fix your time.

Connected with the different people in the vaping groups can help you to target the vapers directly. You know that most of the participants in the group are vapers. Additionally, from interacting these groups you will be also able to know that what exactly the people are looking for. Thus, engaging with the group participants will help you in two ways. One is in promoting your product and shop and another by knowing the latest trends.

Reddit Community

When you are talking about social media marketing for the vape industry, you cannot leave Reddit behind. It is a huge community with 542 million monthly visitors. Reddit has subreddit groups for almost all the niches. Therefore, when you are promoting your vaping products or vape store, you can use the Reddit in a perfect way. Here are some of the subreddits:

  • Vaping
  • electronic cigarette
  • Vaping101
  • VapePorn
  • VapeTricks
  • Vaping Deals
  • Vaporents
  • Vape Sales

YouTube Reviews

Content is still the powerful medium of any marketing process. However, the type of content has now many varieties. It is not limited to blogging only. Video contents have become a powerful medium for attracting people.


Therefore, if you are looking to promote your products or store then you must focus on developing good video content. In the content try to solve the queries of the vapers with the topics like “How to” and others.

Connect with influencers

Influencer marketing is no doubt a great way to promote your vape shop. You will find influencers on different social media such as Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, etc. You can check their profile and can connect with them.

You can send them product specimens for review. Most of the influencers do this free just in exchange for free samples. It is a great way to get good leads. Once these influencers will start to promote your product or store, it becomes easy to get noticed by others.

Final words

To sum up the discussion, it can be said that social media is a huge platform. Those who are having vape business can utilize the various social media channels in a different way. With billions of users, it is a great platform but you need to harness the power of this powerful medium with the help of Social Media Strategy Experts.

Techievolve provides support to several vape industry giants in their active social media marketing. In case of having any thought, please drop us a line.

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