Most ads that make people share and buy are emotional.
It shouldn’t come as a surprise. People rely on emotions, rather than information, to make brand decisions — and that people’s emotional responses to ads matter more than the content of an ad. Keep this in mind when advertising hemp products.
The most shared ads in 2015 were filled with emotional content, including friendship, inspiration, warmth, and happiness, according to Unruly, which ranks the most viral ads each year. Among the examples are Android’s Friends Furever and Kleenex’s Unlikely Best Friends.
Brands haven’t always been aware of their emotional impact. In the 1990s and early 2000s, advertisers focused more on humor and sarcasm.
How Is Emotion Used In Advertising?
People have traditionally recognized six core emotions: happy, surprised, afraid, disgusted, angry, and sad.
The Institute of Neuroscience and Psychology has published research stating that four of these emotions are based on social interactions and constructs.
A human emotion is instead based on four basic emotions: happy, sad, afraid/surprised, and angry/disgusted.
In light of these four categories, let’s examine how hemp brands can use emotions to drive connection and awareness:
1) Happy
A brand wants to be associated with smiling, laughing, engaged customers, and positivity has been shown to increase sharing. A 2010 study of the most-emailed New York Times articles revealed that emotional articles were shared more often, and positive posts were more likely to be shared than negative ones.
When advertising hemp products, too many companies rely on showing a happy mood. To attract your target audience, you can do the same.
Android’s Friends Furever, which showed clips of unlikely and undeniably cute animal friends, was the most shared ad last year and in history.
As Coca-Cola recently changed its tagline from “Open Happiness” to “Taste the Feeling,” it remained focused on happy images of people connecting and engaging with one another, such as the below ad showing the bond between siblings.
2) Sad
We watch a lot of advertisements. (It’s a requirement for the job.) You’ve probably noticed, more and more, those ads have turned you into a blubbering wreck. You can make your desk neighbors question your stability if you regularly cry at work.
As brands have recognized the popularity of emotional content, more and more companies have created inspirational and moving ads.
The advertisement, produced by MetLife Hong Kong, tells the story of a daughter who loves everything about her dad, yet breaks down when she describes all the ways he lies to her.
CBD vaping isn’t always about showing happiness. Other moods can also be shown through CBD vaping. While advertising hemp products, for example, show a change in mood from sadness to happiness. It’s all about how well you convey emotions!
3) Afraid/Surprised
In the face of threats, fear helps us to react appropriately in order to increase our chances of surviving.
Fear creates urgency, so we act; we change, or in this story, we buy something that will prevent terrible things from happening.
Advertising is all about happiness. What is happiness? The smell of a new car. Freedom from fear. A billboard on the side of the road assures you that whatever you’re doing is fine. You’re fine.
In commercials aimed at preventing drunk driving and cigarette smoking, scare-vertising techniques are frequently used. World Wildlife Fund is known for its controversial and fear-inducing imagery.
As one of the best ads of 2015 demonstrates, surprise can also be positive. Your hemp brand can learn from this.
During advertising hemp products, explain how hemp users can be surprised when they use your brand product and how you can uplift their mood.
4) Angry/Disgusted
The majority of people think that anger is best avoided, since it is a negative emotion that causes negative associations.
However, anger can sometimes wake people up and motivate them to act. When another person is hurt or injustice occurs, we become angry.
When we are disgusted or frustrated, we can rethink our perspective and ask important questions.
Understand what makes a vaper disgusted, it may be a tough day at work, a fight with a colleague, etc.
The hemp marketing companies understand the needs of the users and do what they can to help them!
While negative content was less common in viral content than positive, viral success happened when negative images had a sense of anticipation and surprise.
Lastly, when advertising hemp brands, it is crucial to understand the mood and impulse of the audience. This cannot be ignored. Rather than sticking to one emotion, it is best to explore others!
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