So, you are having an online vaping store but not satisfied with the performance, right?
It is not very unusual as there are more than 40000 vaping stores in the US alone. Therefore, competition is understandable. But being an owner, you need to find out the right strategy to overcome this problem.
The common solution is to promote your vaping store, but one of the biggest problems is that you cannot do paid promotion as mentioned by SEO Experts.
So, what next?
Now as you are not being able to do paid promotions on popular channels like Google, Facebook, etc. your only way is to do SEO. By implementing a solid strategical SEO for online vaping stores, you can be able to achieve the desired result.
The current post is about how to do SEO for local vape shops.
Keyword Research Is Important
Coming on the Google ranking is not a matter unless you are coming for the relevant keyword. Therefore, you must search for the keywords which are worthy for your business.

The reason for focusing on local SEO is that it is done more to buy than just regular research. Therefore, the traffic generated by the local keywords used to have more chance to convert into sales.
Therefore, you should do proper keyword research in order to make a mark in SEO.
Look At The Competitors
When you are doing SEO marketing for vape shops, you must also look for your competitors. You must know the ways that your competitors are taking to be on the top. Therefore, competitor’ analysis is important to rank among the competition.
However, you can use google keyword planner to list your possible keywords. By navigating the tool, you can find the relevant keywords for your business.
Once you get the ideas that what type of keywords you need from the search volume and other metrics you can start sorting them to select the right keyword.

However, to get ranks, do not choose any irrelevant keyword that you really have no connection with. Suppose you select a particular brand which has a good search volume but you do not sell it. Then even after coming to rank the customer will be disappointed and opt out. Finally, it will increase your bounce rate.
Local SEO Has More Buying Intent
Often it has been seen that people used to neglect the local SEO as the search volume remains relatively lower than of other keywords. But, do not forget that the local searches have more intent to buy.
According to a few SEO experts, nearly 88% of the local searches tend to buy things within one or two days of searching.
Suppose, your business is in Anaheim and there is a keyword like “Vape store Anaheim”, and it has hardly 180 searches per month. You will probably think that it is a very poor keyword.

On the contrary, you must think that within those 180, if 30 will visit your shop and 15 will become repeat customers. From those 15, more 15 will come just because of WOM (Word of Mouth).
So, before striking out the keywords, you must take serious consideration on the list to figure out what ill be right SEO for online vaping stores of yours.
Get Your Website Done Right
Often it has been seen that small vape shops have websites which are complete bullshit. Either they are broken or outdated by years. Now tell why should a person will stay on your website if your site does not have proper images, open slowly or gives 404 error, etc.

It is one of the primary reasons that several vaping businesses used to lose good opportunities even after having products and supplies.
In case you want to be a vaping business star in the local area, then you must fix these issues. You should have a good website that works properly.
But now you may ask how to know the issues of the website? It is simple, do a proper SEO audit of your website. It will let you know about all the important aspects and loopholes of your website on which you can work.
Try To Get A Google Map On The Site
Why you are doing the local SEO? The primary reason is that you want to be get located by your customers quickly.
The quick and easy way to get found is to be on Google local listing. If you are already on the google then try to incorporate it on your site also. Including a map on the site gives it more authenticity and makes it easy for the customers to find you even physically also.
Final Words
Therefore, over here in this post, you have read about the important things related to local SEO for online vaping stores. It is true that charting on the top is not that easy thing to do but not difficult either.
With the help of SEO experts, a small vape shop can also manage to do great business. However, the key to success is the implementation of the right strategies at the right time.