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You cannot rank in organic search results by luck. It requires a long and hard process to maximize marketing resources. So, cannabis businesses must employ an effective SEO strategy to leverage search engine traffic. SEO is more beneficial for this industry than some others. Since marketing opportunities are limited, focus on organic website visits from search engines.

However, do not dive headfirst into deep water. You will need an expert SEO team, and you cannot have a poor partner because they will eliminate your chances of success. To prevent that, let’s discuss the significance of cannabis SEO and how it can help your business.

SEO Link-Building Strategies to Drive Organic Traffic to Your Cannabis Site

SEO Link-Building Strategies to Drive Organic Traffic to Your Cannabis Site

Marketing a cannabis business differs from promoting other brands, but the methodology remains the same. You want to enhance the technical performance of your website, craft high-quality content, and create relevant links. Here are the steps to take to reach the top of organic search.

SEO Audit:

A marketing company runs a comprehensive audit upon overtaking a new project. Whether you tried it yourself or hired another SEO agency, the new crew must ensure they did not damage your pages. Here are the things your SEO team will focus on during the audit:

  • Improve your pages’ crawlability
  • Improve your pages’ crawlability
  • Access website structure
  • Analyze overall performance
  • Eliminate harmful links
  • Fix broken links
  • Improve internal linking
  • Boost website speed
  • Improve website for mobile
  • Check the logs
  • Check logs
  • Check code errors
  • Check search engine penalties
  • Address duplicate content

Auditing is essential for SEO, conversion optimization, and PPC performance. People won’t interact with your website if the pages load slowly or are not mobile-friendly. Technical faults would keep them from accessing what they want.

However, technical enhancements won’t help it rank high in organic search. It will only level you with the competitors.

Keyword Research:

Keyword Research

Once done with the audit, your cannabis strategy needs to focus elsewhere. In-depth keyword research allows you to understand what people search for on the internet, which are relevant to your business, and how hard it can be to rank for those search terms. Look for keywords with low difficulty and carrying large search traffic.

In terms of length, a cannabis SEO marketing company differentiates between short- and long-tail keywords. Short-tail keywords represent phrases containing one or two words, whereas the latter include phrases with three or more words. Just remember that the longer the keywords, the lesser the traffic.

Keyword analysis is easy using a keyword research tool. You can use it to evaluate potential search traffic from each phrase and the difficulty associated with these.

Perform user intent analysis to determine what visitors have been searching for cannabis-related websites. Most usually seek general information about the plant or products. Some are interested in buying products. User intent analysis gives you insights beyond online traffic and difficulty.

Content Planning and Crafting:

Now that you have the keywords, create content to attract traffic. During the creative process, prepare a schedule prioritizing phrases with the most potential effect on your brand.

Apart from the work schedule, planning well is integral for clustering and interlinking. Here, you will put your efforts into organizing articles into funnels and clusters to boost the chances of ranking. It can also help drive leads through the marketing pipeline, from educational articles to product pages.

Content creation refers to written content. However, it has evolved. So, your creativity should be top-notch! Here are a few things to consider.

  • Make intriguing titles while describing the content in them.
  • Write interesting meta descriptions to attract people.
  • Break down the article into smaller sections arranged practically.
  • Opt for smaller sentences and paragraphs to keep them simple to read and understand.
  • If your article is associated with other posts you have done, add internal links to those.
  • Use HD cannabis-related images shot by professional photographers.
  • Add as many medical studies as references in your content.
  • Use content optimization tools but avoid AI.

Focus on providing readers with information they cannot find elsewhere. Your information should be unique and add valuable opinions from your end.

Link Building:

It is a vital part of cannabis SEO as it can help your content steal the top spot in search results.

The problem with link building for your cannabis business will be that you will hardly find those who want to participate. Why? Because your competitors do not want to give you a competitive edge despite how much you pay them. On the other hand, other networks are worried about promoting cannabis. Irrespective of the matter, try these strategies.

  • Search for websites that market different substances or natural wellness products. They are likely to link to your website. Take advantage of networks that allow guest posting. It will work wonders for you.
  • Get links from websites related to your industry and ensure they are high-quality links that won’t harm your business.
  • Do competitive analysis and pitch the sites they have. It is a way to reverse engineer the link-building process.
  • Before building links, build relationships and be patient about organic connections.
  • Get link builders that have been associated with the cannabis industry because they can offer the best links.

Local SEO:

Welcome to the final step. Local SEO is essential for your cannabis business, especially if you have a small shop in the locality or farm hemp. The optimization relies on the best optimization practices. Add these efforts to your cannabis local SEO strategy.

  • Add your brand to Google My Business so the search engine can classify your company as authentic. It also puts you on local maps.
  • Add your company’s profile to major cannabis forums and directories. It offers additional signals to search engines that your company is real.
  • Ensure you have the same data in every directory. If you make a change in one, change in all others.
  • Add Schema Markup. It is a code significant for getting featured snippets.
  • See if you can create as much content focused on locality as possible.

Final Words

Let’s not beat around the bush. All the above steps are essential, and the best way to ensure perfection is by availing yourself of SEO services in Los Angeles. You need a company you can trust. If you don’t have one or are tired of your existing team, contact our experts at TechiEvolve. Our years of experience specializing in cannabis businesses make us the cherry on the cake you need.

Must Read: Scaling Up: Cannabis Marketing Must-Do’s for Growing Your Business